The forum seems to be getting almost one of these questions per day at the moment.
Whilst each question contains its own nuances (so probably unreasonable to dismiss them as duplicates), the questions are nevertheless very similar to each other.
And while the actual answer might be different dependent upon the OPs specific requirements, the thought process guiding the choice is pretty much identical in all cases. For example there are only so many different types of bike, which might narrow depending upon the terrain(s) the OP intends riding. Etc. etc. Also for example the pros and cons of buying from their LBS as opposed to the web (I mean, presumably if they're newbies and coming to SE to ask questions they have already ruled out their LBS, possibly wrongly.)
I was just wondering whether the existing SE framework has the scope to maintain some kind of static page that people could just be pointed to?
I'd be happy to contribute to this page although to be honest I'm sure there must be lots of information on the web already, so maybe only a collation exercise is required?