Recently (today/yesterday) there were several answers posted by a "user" (Jordan Thomas) who appeared to some to be using Chat GPT or another type of artificial intelligence (AI) tool to garner answers and post them. This obviously defeats the purpose of first-hand user experience being shared, and relying on a machine to generate an answer.
Vladimir noted the "smell of" Chat GPT in the responses, so credit goes to him on the initial detection and exposure. Is it Chat GPT? That I am not sure of, but I do agree with Vladimir's intuition.
With Chat GPT's new presence in our world, Google has pushed forward hard to release its own AI answer bot, so this is only going to get worse. Heads up!
What should be done here at BE (and other exchange sites) to deal with this intrusion? Is it welcome? Is it not? If it is not, then we should see about communicating a way to detect it (if we can), and police it consistently by the active members of BE.