The low hanging fruit is rapidly being picked. What do people think a typical bicycling question will look like in 3 months? In 6 months?
Bicycling and bicycles face the issue that this is not a rapidly evolving subject and not highly complicated. The major questions will soon be asked and answered. In order to promote sustainability, what can be done in terms of the types of questions, focus, and content?
Possible areas of consideration:
- Localization/regionalization - A hard-nosed insistence on universal questions will sharply limit the user base. Many legitimate, answerable localized questions are entirely possible.
- Advocacy and bicycling promotion - I am fortunate to live in a highly progressive bicycling city. Others are not so fortunate, but with help, their communities could become much more bike friendly and safer. Is this type of thing a possibility for the site going forward?
These are just 2 off the top of my head and I'm sure there are other areas worthy of consideration. The user, Unsliced, has also raised similar, or the same issues; so I'm thinking that a discussion is merited to enhance the viability of the site.