Is there a standard place where deletion of posts or comments to posts can be noted?
I ask because this question is now devoid of the important information (which I added to it) which corrects "zenbikes" assertion that a photo of the dropout adds more information. The important thing about this answer is that it is possible to replace one fitting kit with another. Something which was difficult to determine.
It's very offputting to have put work into finding and sharing the answer to this question and now to have no way of finding out where my exchange with "zenbike" has gone.
I would dispute "zenbike's" assertion that asking and answering one's own questions is a waste of anyone's time. For further explicit confirmation of such reasoning see SE's own blog entry (linked from the bicycles.SE FAQ):
To be crystal clear, it is not merely OK to ask and answer your own question, it is explicitly encouraged.
Again, it's offputting that: 1)"zenbikes" has argued twice that asking and answering one's own questions is a waste of time; 2) that my informative, courteous exchange with him which corrected him on the factual point has now disappeared.