This is an excellent question, and I'm glad you asked. (even if the automatic quality filters thought it was too short)
I view the main duty of a moderator as dealing with flags and supporting the community on the site. Often that can mean being the "designated bad guy" who closes or deletes something that people flagged, without any mention that the flags ever existed. If nobody flags a particular post, I may not even see it. I do look at a lot of the questions, but not all of them.
I think that it is a "forumy" question that's asking in a way that tends to encourage discussion more than answers. It's exactly what the "not constructive" close reason is there for.
If I'd seen the question before it had any answers, I would've been very likely to intervene (comment suggesting changing to a more concretely answerable question, edit it into one myself). If I'd seen it before there were any answers and it had a couple votes to close and a flag request to close, I would've closed it.
By the time I did see the question, it was a day or two after it was originally asked. I briefly contemplated some sort of intervention (closing?), but there were some decent answers. Good answers can save a borderline question.
And more importantly, there were no votes to close the question and no flags on the question. (there were flags on a couple chatty comments that we deleted, though)
So, because of the good answers, no votes to close and no flags, I left the question alone.
If our community wants that question dead, I'd support that. If somebody wants to rewrite the question to be more constructive without invalidating the answers, that would be totally awesome and I would definitely support that if it needed my support.
If you believe the question should be closed, vote to close it as "not constructive".