We get a lot of id-this-bike questions of varying quality, those without pictures need to be improved. Sometimes they get voted to close because there isn't enough information in the question for an i.d.
None of the current close reasons really work for me in this situation which comes up often. Can we have a close reason which says something like closed because there is no way to id by serial numbers, please add good pictures and it can be reopened... ?
Good point about why do we need it, maybe we don't and comments then OP edits with more detail would be best, I'm open to suggestions, I'm basically in favour of these questions being on topic. However I have seen a number of low-quality questions recently in the review close-vote queue with either the "unclear what you're asking", or duplicate of "why shouldn't I care..." given as a reason. I would rather the question asker had a clearer and helpful description of it being impossible to answer without more to go on, and advice on how to improve it. Maybe a link to How do I ask a good "ID My Bike" question?.
That said, someone voting to close as a duplicate of "why shouldn't I care..." might want to use that anyway and there's also the unintended consequence that we start closing questions which could be answered with a little effort, take Criggie's recent Shiner Bock triumph for example (which I think should be upvoted to give Criggie another lifejacket badge btw ;) )